About Us



A few years ago, Kirk Howell’s (Founder of My Rehab Pro) 13-year-old son tore his ACL in a basketball game.  His son had a long rehabilitation process because his family elected not to do surgery.

The first day after starting rehabilitation with a physical therapist, Kirk’s son came home with a stack of paper work with STICK MEN exercises to be used as a guide for the home rehabilitation process. These STICK MEN exercises were hard to follow and did not give Kirk, his son, or his family much confidence in the rehabilitation process and outcome.

Kirk instantly understood there had to be a better and more effective way for the physicians/physical therapists and practices to communicate and engage with the patient to achieve better outcomes and maximize practice efficiency.

The fact is millions of individuals each day worldwide are having the same issues with home rehab. Until My Rehab Pro was developed, there was not an effective solution that delivered a simple and effective alternative to the “antiquated stick-man experience.”

My Rehab Pro was designed to create a seamless engagement between patient, physical therapist and their orthopedic physicians, so that rehabilitation regimens can be easily understood and followed.

About Us Story
My Rehab Pro - Pre 2024

Simple, Effective, A Better Way

My Rehab Pro has been enhancing the Physical Therapy industry since 2013. We are an industry leader in the fields of physical therapy rehabilitation, patient education, digital health, and patient adherence. Our platform is designed to make physical therapy rehabilitation engaging, enjoyable, and achievable for everyone we serve.

We maintain the latest technology and structural supports designed by orthopedic physicians and physical therapists. These clinicians are instrumental in creating a better tool, platform and service that delivers a better patient experience with better recovery outcomes.

My Rehab Pro opens the lines of communication between the physical therapists and their patient through the seamless engagement of our custom, easy-to- use, web-based physical therapy platform and extensive professional HD video library with detailed technique and proficient illustration.

We equip you to empower your patient to view their prescribed exercise program from anywhere the patient may be and at any time. The patient has access points to My Rehab Pro’s platform through their PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any other mobile device they may have.

My Rehab Pro is simple for you and your patient. You can increase your patient compliance, while enhancing your professional image, all of which are customized to your brand.

My Rehab Pro is passionate about creating better outcomes for patients and devoted to our values and dedication to the clinics, physicians, therapists, and patients we serve.

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My Rehab Pro